
New Design!

I don't think I officially introduced everyone to my latest design, "Goldfish". Not too shabby, eh? You can get one online or you can swing by the Renegade Fair at Fort Mason on July 9th and 10th (and get some deals!).


Pride Show This Friday, June24th

That's right, Wild Side West (424 Cortland, SF 94110) is having me back, this time for a Pride Weekend Party. I'm on first at 8:00 pm and let me tell you that they are serious about this starting on time so get there! It's free and it will be a blast! Woo! Here's a flyer for the show. This flyer is extra-rad because I didn't even have to make it. Someone else did. Someone else! Someone else!


Renegade Craft Fair

It's Renegade Craft Fair time again! Myself and this humble abode will be sharing booth #82. It's worth noting that the summer fair is back at Fort Mason. This year, preparations have felt much less hectic than in the past. Much of that is due to the fact that this is the first year where I could afford to buy a ton of towels well in advance, so each time I printed a design, I was able to print for Renegade too. It took a few years but I knew that someday I would be able to get my production in line.

I have a new design to introduce at Renegade as well as a few new products to test out. I'm pretty excited to show you what I've got! More information and web flyers can be found here: http://www.renegadecraft.com/san-francisco


Learning Linocut

I've been wanting to learn how to do linocut for a while now. As a screen printer, I feel that it's important for me to have more than one trick up my sleeve and linocut seems like a simple enough way to expand my repertoire. So I dove right in.

I marked my cuts. This design is intended to be sea grass, by the way, for a nautically themed print I've been working on.

Then I got to carving. This part was really fun. I could see doing much more intricate designs in the future.

The inking of the stamp gave me the most trouble. I started out rolling it on this glass sheet I have but after much experimentation, I switched over to a piece of cardboard. You really need to get the ink rolling smoothly in order to create a clear print. After all that, you'd think I got a shot of the print but no, I didn't. The truth is that it looked really weird combined with screen printing. Oh well. At least I have the basics down. I have it on my to-do list to take a picture but I haven't posted in a while and it's starting to give me anxiety. Onward!