
Wild Side West Show Next Thursday, June 24th

That's right, me and my friend Audrey are going to tear it up right before Pride weekend. The Wild Side West is a neighborhood gay bar, which means that it's filled with all kinds of weird, local people so get your weird ass out there for a free show! I tried to make the flyer a little Westerny, just for you!


Rockit Room Show Review

Let me start off by saying this was clearly Erica Dreisbach's show. She lives in Brooklyn now but used to live in San Francisco so all of her nice friends came out for this special show, as nice friends do. Of course, Erica and her ukulele killed it. I mean, she was funny, her songs are funny and she had granny-panties for sale. What's not to love? The whole room sang along. Yeah, yeah. So, she killed it... it's a tough act to follow, man. 

Sure, I could bullshit you with some story of triumph, how the whole room became entranced with my music and I had to bat the ladies away with a stick (which, I would never do, ladies). But the truth is that the all the good people who showed up to see Erica did what people do, hung out and talked whilst drinking during my set. It was cool and there were moments when I had the room almost quiet with my musical sorcery, which I am going to consider a success. Plus, Broke Ass Stuart and Dustin Shey (overall creative dude about SF who writes, makes music and understands the webs) both gave the show a twitter shout out (do you care about twitter? I am here: http://twitter.com/theheated), and getting people interested on a larger scale is what it's all about folks. Plus, it was really cool to play acoustic once more. I think I'll do that again. A huge thank you to The Heated supporters who came out. Your presence is more appreciated than you could ever know. Overall, I give this show a rating of good!


Pirate Cat Radio

Yesterday, Erica Dreisbach and I got our promotion on over at Pirate Cat Radio. We each played a twenty minute set and got interviewed by Kieran, who DJs the show Torrential Dissonance and was kind enough to book us in the first place. It went so well, which is really nice because I have gotten super-nervous in radio interviews before. Once, I literally forgot my name on-air. I'm so grateful that Pirate Cat exists. Where else can local nobodies such as myself come around to plug their stuff? Anyway, now is not then and I don't mean to brag but we nailed it! Come to our show on Monday at the Rockit Room in the Inner Richmond and witness our awesome!

Podcast of our performances can be found here, about three quarters of the way in: http://podcasts.dreamhosters.com/pcr/TorrentialDissonance2/TorrentialDissonance2-20100605.mp3