Check out what my friend Gitane (who makes these too!) saw while in Portland, OR. Those are my towels, just hanging out in Elsa & Sam's lovely shop. Exciting!
...In Which The Heated Is Asked To Play With Two Remarkable Strangers From Texas
Look, with Renegade around the corner, time is a commodity that I am short on and I already wrote the dorky press release for this show when I listed it on so I'm going to just post that. Is that ok? You'll still show up, right? I'm headlining, people!
Press Release: The email The Heated received from Golden Arrow Holy Face & Wols had the following subject. "...In Which The Heated Is Asked To Play With Two Remarkable Strangers From Texas." The Heated is based in San Francisco and the remarkable strangers, engaged in touring, received word from a friend in the area that The Heated is your go-to when looking for a bedroom folk companion on a bill at El Rio. It all came together and now you have the fortune of catching a great night of local and touring music at one of your favorite bars. But wait, that's not all. Opening the evening is Charles Sommer of The Cannery. All of this for only $4.00 at one of the best bars in town. 9:00 pm start time.
charles sommer,
el rio,
holy wols
Mama Buzz show with Tracy Minicucci
East Bay. Holler! Check out what's up, my friends across the bay. Free and all ages, so you can bring your baby or even your teenage child. Bring 'em if you got 'em. Mama Buzz Cafe. Saturday, August 7th. 8:00 pm.

all ages,
east bay,
mama buzz cafe,
It Was Wild
That show at Wild Side West was almost the highlight of Pride Weekend but not quite. The highlight of Pride Weekend was the party that happened at my house after the Dyke March. The party happens every year because I live close enough to Dolores Park to walk and everyone needs to pee. I made fried chicken. It was delicious. Other than that and the Wild Side West show, I laid really low this Pride. What can I say? I'm an old lesbian or something. I stayed up until midnight. Party!
The Wild Side West show was really fun though. There's something about playing in the middle of a bar that just can't be matched. The bar was very receptive to both The Heated and Audrey Howard. Audrey pretty much always brings the house down because she plays hard rock guitar like a bad ass. I'm jealous of how hard she rocks. I'm so earnest and dorky and she's just cool. Sigh. Swoon. Anyway...
Oh, and wifey made me a tie. I guess I'm pimping her ties lately. Whatever. They make me swoon too.
audrey howard,
gay pride,
show review,
wild side west
I've Been Ignoring You Again
It gets this way around big craft shows (Renegade Fair is coming!). The house is in complete disarray. There are towels strewn in the hallway (your brown owl is coming soon, my etsy orderer), the front room is crowded with wifey's ties and the kitchen... well, actually the kitchen is clean. Go us! We're actually constructing a complete new booth this time around and it's given me a chance to use my (finally) installed vise on my new workbench! Check it.
First, I had to build up the thickness of enough of the table to support the screws on the underside of the vise. If I had it to do over again, I would have extended this longer than I did. It's a little saggy in the middle.
I glued it once.
Then added another layer.
I attached the vise to the underside of the table and installed the legs.
Then I screwed a section of 2x4 into the wall to anchor the table to, for added stability.
Finally, it was standing. I put a coat of oil then wax on it. That's supposed to be good or something. I'm making stuff. I'll show it to you soon.
bench vise,
how to,
The Song About Jerks
Yes, I've written a song about how people are jerks and how I can't stop obsessing about how people are jerks. It's also a little bit about Moses. Anyway, it's called Vigilance. You can listen to it. Right now!
twelve songs project,
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