
Another Whale

A long time ago, when I was still in woodworking class and had access to fancy machines, I made a whale from some scrap wood. It came out so cute that I've always wanted to make more of them but have been feeling like I don't have the right tools. Then it occurred to me that people have been woodworking without fancy tools for centuries so I should suck it up and give it a go and so I did.

First, I made a dark, clean outline for my cuts from a stencil I created. The original tail of the first whale I made never felt quite right to me so I tried a different shape for this one.

Making sure that your outline is clear really helps guide the process.

Then I started hacking with my miter hand saw and a small jigsaw that I'm clumsily learning to use.

Once I got the basic shape cut out, then I started hacking at it with my chisels.

The process moves slowly, especially since this is the first one I've done in a while. I still have a long way to go and that tail still doesn't feel right to me but I'm working on it. That whale will be smiling in no time.



I'm pretty excited to have been a part of a new magazine out of Australia called Gastronome. They interviewed me (which, as you know, I love) and I sent some Party Bird's over for a giveaway they're doing. You can check out the preview here: http://www.facebook.com/GastronomeMag?sk=app_4949752878


Biking Casualty

I've had my first bicycling casualty. I was riding up 15th street as it started to rain. It wasn't raining too hard but there was enough water that it was getting all over my glasses. So, I plucked them off my face and put them in my breast pocket. As I was clearing the crosswalk at 15th and Valencia, they flew out of my pocket and into the street. So, I pulled over and went back for them but it was too late. A car tire had gotten there first. Dang it.
     I don't wear my glasses too often unless I'm driving, riding my bike or going someplace where I want to see what's happening far away from me, like a concert, a ball game or a bar where the menu is posted up on the wall in tiny font. This is the first pair of glasses I've had so I'm sad to see them go. Please allow this blurry picture to demonstrate the damage. On the plus side, now I get to pick out some cute new ones and I've learned a lesson about putting things in my inside pocket while riding my bike.


The Cover Of Dwell('s website)

I kid, I kid, I was not on the cover of Dwell. I was however their product of the day last Friday, which is just rad. The product that made it up there is my new tote bag. These tote bags are great because they're certified organic and made in the U.S.A. I have one more tote design too.

To be honest, it's been a real pain to print on them. I've gotten so used to printing on plain, non-bumpy cotton that it's taken a bit of cursing and luck to get somewhat consistent prints on this new, totally bumpy canvas. I know I can figure it out and I definitely remember all the cursing when I first started to screen print so this brings back those happy memories! At any rate, a huge thanks to Jordan at Dwell for keeping The Heated on her radar.