Here's what went down: First off, it was cold and foggy with a bitter wind on Monday. I wore a hat and gloves. We got down to City Hall around 6:00 and it seemed as though most of the action had already taken place.

Our City Hall is pretty, yes? I tried to get the American flag in there. A little symbolism for you.

The freshly married people came out the front here and every time they did, the gay band would play. How can you hate our people? We brought a band! I'm honestly not sure if the sign about "Homo Sex" being a threat to national security is real or ironic. I will say that one gentleman was wearing a leather jacket that advertised how gay people would burn in hell and he had the most bad-ass flames illustrating his point. I tried, I tried, I tried to get a picture.

I also can't help but notice this truck features a very large picture of two men kissing. Sure, it has a slash through it but still. Also, that whole "not Adam and Steve" thing always makes me giggle. Everyone knows that it would really be "Steven" too. All Stevens are gay.
But really, is this what this guy does with his life? Does he call his friends over to say, "Aw man, wait 'till you see the Truth Truck. I've got this giant picture of two dudes kissing. Then it's got a slash through it. Man, when the American people see this, it will really make them think."?

1 comment:
tax breaks, empty promises.. you're such a romantic cristina. ;)
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