
Punk News Podcast!

I wish I had made a bigger deal about this when it happened because it may be the single coolest thing that's happened to me this year. Punknews.org is a site that covers punk rock bands. Now, I used to be in a punk rock band but haven't tried to claim that cred for The Heated cuz let's face it, The Heated is a bit tamer than that. But the lovely Rich Verducci took a listen (after an exchange we had on twitter over Dr. Dre and Eminem's wholly unsubstantiated, secret love affair), liked what he heard and was kind enough to include me in their weekly podcast, which you can listen to by going here:http://www.punknews.org/article/42427
     I read Punknews every damn day so this is a huge deal for me. Then, when I listened to it, and heard the lovely things Rich had to say about my music, well... it was nothing but pure awesome. Thanks, Punknews! You are the best!

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